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Madelene Kristiansson
Madelene Kristiansson is a Swedish artist, who has her own studio/gallery at Bohus-Björkö. Here she creates intuitive, colorful, and semi-abstract paintings. She uses acrylic paints, acrylic ink, and other media in the color and motifs often land in humans and animals. But you also find landscape motifs and completely abstract works. She has no art education at an art school for artists, but she has art teacher training from HDK and Gothenburg University as well as an independent course in contemporary art.
She has also taken longer-distance painting courses and also completed a basic
and continuation course in Vedic Art and she now also has a diploma
teacher of Vedic Art.
That’s when she came into contact with intuitive painting and her paintings developed into the visual language it is today. It is so liberating to just play and create with the colors you like to sow eventually letting a possible motive emerge.
She has exhibited in Cyprus, Limassol in a combined furniture/art
exhibition 2016, Art Walk Avenyn 2021, and JE Gallery, Majorna
2021, Ditt Galleri in Gothenburg “Female Horizon” 2021 and the art wave
Öckerö 2015, 2020, 2021 and 2022.