Sue Branch
Sue lives in East Sussex and has been painting for a number of years in tandem with being a freelance IT Trainer, which she had to give up because of lockdown.
She was in all self-taught but wanted to expand her knowledge of the history of art and
artists and was able to complete a year’s art diploma in 2018 at the Norfolk School of Painting. Since then she has been developing her style having been influenced by the
Impressionists and les Fauves..
Her inspiration comes from the beautiful Sussex Downland and Sussex coastline and she loves to express this by the use of strong colour.
Her main medium is oil but sometimes she uses acrylic when painting dog commissions.
Sue is a member of the Society of Eastbourne ar sts exhibits twice a year at the Town Hall in Eastbourne where last May she won the Mayor’s Challenge up for her painting ‘Lavender Fields in Kent’.
Sue’s website is