Fredrika Linse

Fredrika has a preference for more advanced older painting techniques such as silverpoint, watercolor on vellum, painting on gold leaves and egg tempera. Techniques that were used by da Vinci, Cennini etc. It’s a natural living material that requires focus and knowledge. Silverpoint changes color after a while from grey to warm sepia. In trailing light the silver can be seen to shine.
Fredrika have been trained in Sweden, Florence and London.

Except old techniques she have also painted with oil and acrylics, motives with trompe l’oeil. Her paintings usually consist of birds, insects and flowers. 

Fredrika is also trained decorative painter and have restored a lot of public places with graining, marbling and mural paintings. 

She started with ceramics and portrait sculpting and continued with silk painting before the other techniques took over