Shirley Lise 

Hello.  My name is Shirley Lise. Recently I have ventured into the fine art arena with acrylic painting on canvas. It was just a few short months ago that I traded out my digital medium for acrylic paint.  As I left my cursor behind and took up my brush, much was put to the test. I ventured forth in my journey into new frontier in the discovery of new techniques and a new approach to expressing creative flow, and though it truly presented a challenging learning curve, it has given way to bearing much fruit.  

    Although my main training in creative expression through the arts  was in highschool where I learned basics, worked with a variety of mediums, and garnered a background in art history, my appreciation for and growth in design flourished through other creative outlets.  I studied to obtain diplomas in both interior design and landscape design which I put to use over the years prior to entering the digital world of self publishing and digital art which proffered the opportunity to promote my creative expression via the design, illustration, and publishing of children’s books and adult coloring books of multiple subjects, most notably that of fashion, and specifically “boho” fashion.

     With a background in digital art, I was able to transfer my vision and passion for the arts over and onto canvas with relative ease.  As a newbie, I followed my heart and went wherever it led to create art covering a variety of genres including landscape scenes with a twist, floral gardens, floral displays, and “Boho” and “Flower Girl” portraits as well as abstracts. Each work has been a new adventure of learning and discovery, not only of what “works” to achieve a preferred end result, but what “does not work” and needs to be avoided. Although the transition was challenging at times, I have thoroughly enjoyed it and am reaping the results of pressing through with a collection of multiple works of art in the form of acrylics on canvas.

     Several of my original paintings, at this time, are being showcased through two Ontario, Canada  art galleries, Mountainside Gallery Inc. in Collingwood and Veteran’s Art Gallery Inc. in Port Stanley.  My online art gallery, Shirley Lise Art online Art Gallery, showcases creative works displayed in my home gallery as an acrylic painter and is set up to take its viewers on my journey with me as I prepare to participate in future art tours and events as opportunity arises to showcase through upcoming venues.  It also provides a link to prints and canvas prints as well as other items displaying my artwork that are now available for purchase through my online ecommerce platform.

     My aspiration as an artist is to highlight the goodness of God, to recognize, capture, and display the beauty of His creation with acrylics.  His design speaks and color is a language all of itself. It works to create harmony to the overall canvas. A well-executed combination of colors no matter how or to what subject it is applied, can enhance the overall composition, bringing it to life.  We can never go wrong paying homage to the wonders of nature and God’s divinely created color schemes and utilizing them in our artwork. Whether it’s the vibrant hues of the sun dappling through a forest, the delicate shades of multiple colors found in a variety of blooming flowers, the reflective kaleidoscope of blues expressed in skies and water in a lakeside scene, or the beauty of a glimpse of the eye in a portrait expressing His character, my desire is to be able to capture the color essence of these creations and transfer them onto my canvas with great results.  It is by finding inspiration in celebrating the beauty of God’s creation through His color palette in all of nature that I seek to create artwork that not only resonates with others but also serves as a testament to the incredible world we live in!